E2=596 (or something like that). This is higher than it was at this point the last fresh cycle we did. I can't remember exact numbers right now, but it was somewhere around 530-550-ish. I think it's really weird that my follies are growing faster and my E2 is higher with a lower dose of stims. I don't go back until Friday and after they scan me, we will meet with the doc to get his view. He is keeping me on the same dosage until then, so I'm fully expecting my E2 level to skyrocket by Friday. We're going to be in OHSS land again and I am so, so, so worried they will cancel this cycle.
At least last time we had hope going into retrieval knowing they were going to freeze everything. We were comforted by the fact that we had so many embryos to freeze and work with later and that is what made the freeze all "okay" in my mind. Now that we're on the other side of three FET's (one cancelled before transfer and two BFN's), it makes everything different this time. I don't even see the point of going forward with a retrieval if my E2 is too high and we can't transfer. I don't see the point of freezing our embryos at all, it would just seem like a waste of time. 18 frickin embryos last time and, well, we know what that got us in the end. Jack shit.
The nurse didn't have much to say other than they are monitoring me really closely and I can speak with the doc on Friday to get his thoughts. She said I shouldn't be worried about my lining yet. There is still time. If it hasn't grown much by Friday, they might add some es.trace and see what that does. I don't have much faith in es.trace anymore. I think it's time to get a little more creative. I just don't know if there are any other options.
So 2 more sleeps until the next U/S and BW and a discussion with Dr. S. I'm actually quite proud of myself for how productive I've been at work this week. I feel like it has become a herculean task just to BE there every day, but I'm doing it and actually getting things done. At least I can do something right.
Old Digital Books
1 day ago
Oh, honey. You are doing A LOT right. Give yourself the credit you deserve. You are stronger than most and can handle this. I know this is hard but don't give up yet!
oh Denise. I have no idea what to say except that I am sending you so many positive thoughts and wishes and that I think you are incredibly brave and strong.
I am crossing everything that Friday will hold happy surprises for you.
hang in there. you are strong and you have love and there are so many that support you. don't give up hope!
Let's hope you stay busy and this time just flies by! Keep your chin up! Anything can happen at this point.
I am so sorry you are going through all these issues and problems.. but I have to say so much can happen even over one or two days- that's a long time in 'fertility speak'. Don't give up yet.. you may get a pleasant surprise!
I hope you get good news on Friday!
Denise ~ Like SE said...you have to give yourself some credit...you've been through alot. I think if I were in your shoes, I'd go to ER. No sense wasting all those expensive meds. (Then again...ER isn't cheap either)...but you need to do what is right for you and DH. Sending you cyber ((HUGS))
Denise, I'm praying (and i DONT pray) but i'm doing it for you.
I think we should start a UOD club, there are a few of us out there with UODs and we can share in the UODishness of it all.
Love the anesthetia joke, dry wit, it's wonderful and necessary to get through this all.
Only one more sleep!
I'm so sorry that your going through a difficult cycle again. I really really really want this to work for you, so I'm sending you lots of positive thoughts and juju for tomorrow!!
We shall make it through these cycles!
YOu are so strong, and this is so hard. I know how difficult it is to live with all the unanswered questions right now. I'm hoping so much for the best results-- in any case, it is out of your hands and someone higher is taking care of the details right now. I pray for good news-- it's not over by a long shot.
I can't believe that the meds are doing just the opposite of what you want them to! Grr...
But tomorrow almost is here. And retrieval would be the 22nd or so, right?
I really hope Dr. S. can provide some answers for you. You deserve much better than this runaround.
I just read on the lost and found that you're looking for information on women with high E2 and thin uteruses. I got nothing for you, but we are in the same boat, so as you already know my thoughts are thinking nice fat thoughts for your uterus. I'll keep checking back to see if anyone has a miracle cure. People keep telling me viagra, viagra, viagra, but my RE isn't a believer.
Hopefully Friday will have some answers for you, of the positive nature.
There are tons of things you can do right. None of us can consciously control our ovaries and wombs.
I hope you get some answers and support come Friday. You'll be in my thoughts, and I'm calling on any estrogen-removing powers to come to your aid!
Dude, sorry that this is turning out to be so difficult. Make the RE answer all your questions!
Denise, I have to think that your lining will come through this time, just like it did the last time, at the last minute. Anxiously awaiting the news tomorrow.
hey, got your message. Yeah, starting to feel a little "full" - pants are a bit tighter....mostly I feel wiped out - is that normal?
My appt on Sat is at 8:30! Maybe we will see eachother there? I don't imagine you'll probably be there as early as I am, but if so we can be lobby buddies! :)
I am wishing you lots of luck on your appt tomorrow!
Hey - good luck at your u/s tomorrow. Looks like we'll be monkeywanded at the same time. Well, same day at least.
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