I spent this afternoon watching my husband get felt up by a doctor. Don't worry, I won't give you any more detail on the actual exam, other than there was a LOT of coughing and turning of the head involved. It's the most action poor B has seen in awhile.
All kidding aside, B's surgery consult went fine today. He has actually developed some pain on the other side from where the pain originally was and the doc thinks he might actually have 2 hernias. Two for the price of one. The good news is that the recovery time is the same with two done at the same time as one. The doc wants B to get a second ultrasound because the first only looked at one side and to also confirm the findings of the first ultrasound. He wants him to go to a specific person who specializes in ultrasounds to diagnose hernias because he said that ultrasound is subjective. Sound familiar? We've heard that one before.
The bad news is he couldn't get an appointment for an ultrasound until May 12th. So the surgery is scheduled for May 14th. It will be outpatient and recovery should be no more than a week or so, so not too bad. We did learn more than we ever wanted to know about hernia repair and the advances made in recent years. The technique they will use is a mesh device that goes on both sides of the abdominal wall at the site of the tear. Pretty fancy stuff, actually.
As of now, my retrieval is scheduled for April 24. If we stay on track, transfer will be either April 27th or 29th. Even if we end up a week later than estimated, that would put retrieval on May 1st, with transfer on the 4th or 6th. That gives us some cushion time-wise between the IF stuff and B's hernia surgery. And B should be able to provide a fresh sample on retrieval day. The only downside to the timing is that B is uncomfortable. Hopefully it won't get any worse in the next month.
On the IF front, nothing much to report. Tonight is my last BCP and then I call with CD1 to go in for baseline ultrasound a day or two after.
#Microblog Monday 526: Brackets
16 hours ago
We can only hope the end of April will come quickly and the 2 weeks after that even quicker, right? :)
I'm glad B's surgery is scheduled, and that you're still good to go for this cycle.
Denise ~ Sorry to hear about your DH. I hope he can find something to make him more comfortable until his surgery.
Good luck with your upcoming cycle!!
Not that hernia surgery sounds fun, but I'm glad everything seems to be working out ok so far.
Glad the surgery is scheduled--hoping that all will go really, really well--you both are in my thoughts! BEST of luck this cycle!
I can't imagine why that doesn't sound sexy...
I hope everything goes smoothly with this cycle and transfer!
I'm glad your husband's consult went well. I know that's a bit of a relief for you. Sorry to hear he's uncomfortable, though. Poor guy.
Here's hoping this cycle is the one!
My hubby had the very surgery that they are talking about for yours - he had a double hernia and he is now bionic man with his titanium mesh! In the great minds think alike category, both us had the only question of whether he would set of metal detectors at the airport (he doesn't).
Only advice - after the surgery, he will need help getting up and sitting down, but this shouldn't last more than a few days. I sat mine in front of the TV with the Lord of the Rings trilogy - extended version! - and he was a happy little camper while I did other stuff.
Best of luck on everything!
I am so glad everything is falling into place! I remember when all these balls (excuse the pun) were in the air and you just didn't know how it was all going to play out. It's great his surgery is scheduled and things are getting solid!
Sorry to hear about your DH's hernia. That really sucks.
I hope all goes well this cycle..
CD 1...it's all so exciting! I'm saying some hardcore prayers for you!
Sorry he has to wait, but glad it's all scheduled. It's much better when there is a pre-determined timeframe to look at.
Yay for the last bcp!!
am thinking lots about both of you. please let me know if there is anything i can do to help you/B/both out during all of this - i can always come by and cook!!!
xoxo - glad things are still on schedule!
Good that your husband had the consult, hope the timing works out, thinking all kinds of nice positive stuff for you and B.
YAY, I'm glad that timing is working out!!
Poor DH, that's not going to be very fun to give his contributions.
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