Today's ultrasound showed about 6+ follies on lefty and 9-10 on righty, so we're back to about 15-16. They are ranging from about 1.5 to 2.0, so looking pretty good. And my lining (drum roll, please) is measuring at 7.5. Either my lining has just decided that it is a slow learner, or it is responding to the vi.agra and es.trace. Regardless, it is growing and is now within a range that they should be comfortable with a transfer. One problem on the mend.
After my appointment, I met up with the ColoBlogger girls again. It was good to see everyone and hear what's new in people's lives (cycling, waiting, preparing for surgery, blogging). I had fun surprising the girls with my "fun box" of vi.agra suppositories. Everyone oohed and aahhed and I felt oh so special with my very own box o'fun. They don't look anything like the little blue pill you would expect. They are about an inch (and a half?) long white, waxy, bullet shaped things. Much larger than the other pills and suppositories that I've had to shove up my hooha over the past year and a half, but then again, they are much smaller than other things (you know, tampons, dildo cam, etc.). Sorry, going off on a tangent here. When I first opened the box yesterday, I actually thought maybe I was looking at little styrofoam pieces that were holding the individual little blue pills. No such luck.
I had a yummy breakfast panini (complete with salty bacon) and drank a ton of water. Thank goodness it only took me 20 minutes to get home because I thought I was going to pee my pants. I am peeing constantly the last couple of days with all the fluid intake. And today I discovered that I don't mind the taste of vitamin water. It has electrolytes, like gat.orade, but without the horrid taste. It doesn't have any sodium, but I figure I'm getting enough of that in my diet. Snacking on some salty popcorn as we speak (I mean, as I write). So I'm gonna go stock up on the vitamin water later today.
The nurse called back just a few minutes ago with my instructions to keep all of my meds the same and come back in tomorrow morning. My E2 was around 2,500 today. It sounds a bit high to me, but at least it didn't double. I seem to remember it continuing to double last cycle and that's how it escalated so quickly resulting in our freeze all. I did ask the nurse if that level was normal or cause for concern at this point and she said it was fine. I don't fully believe her as she was the nurse I saw this morning who didn't bother even reviewing the ultrasound results with me and just asked "do you have any questions?" That mode of operation doesn't really do much to build my faith in her knowledge. But since I know Dr. S was the one reviewing charts today, and in keeping with my new motto of "let go and let Dr. S," I'm going to believe her that it is "fine."
It is amazing to me that some of these nurses don't tell you anything and just expect you to be fine with that. I had to ask her for my E2 level and then ask if that was normal. Do they just think we are willing to assume everything's great and not worry about it? I am way too much of a control freak for that.
Old Digital Books
1 day ago
Congrats on your lining!! Sounds great!!
I want a box o'fun! I have two boxes of p supps, but they're not as cool as viagra.
I hear you with the nurses. They never want to tell me anything, I always have to ask for numbers and what they mean. I still always get vague answers. Very annoying.
Mmmmmm. That bacon panini looked gooooood.
I'm mad that you didn't share your special box. You know what they say, "what's good for the gander..."
See, you sound much better today! I'm glad your anorexic lining is not so anorexic anymore. That's a good thing. :)
What a packed post of good news!!!! So jealous about the Colobloggers. Sounds like a blast! I LOVE vitamin water, have you tried the pom/blueberry? It's a $1 at WalMart, every where else it's more. Let's hope those numbers keep increasing!
My nurse's never tell me anything either - I always have to ask. And the problem is I don't know what my levels should be, I'm only comparing to last time, so kinda winging it here. What cycle day are you on with 2500?
Still thinking good thoughts for you. My next blood & u/s is Monday, then probably trigger soon. But 10k run tomorrow first.. ack!
Denise - everything sounds so good! Lets hope those magic bullets do the trick for you!
SO good seeing you today! Maybe we will pass eachother tomorrow at the Palace? :)
My msg from the nurse today gave me no numbers from my bloodwork. Grrr....
also - did they say anything about your strange symptoms from yesterday (your TMI post) - just curious?
Hey, Spicy. The nurse said it is probably normal to feel like everything is swollen because the viagra is supposed to increase blood flow. And Heidi said she felt the same way on it, so that made me feel a little better. I didn't ask the nurse about the green issue. She looked at me a little weird when I asked her another question about the bullets and after that I just didn't feel comfortable asking her anything else.
YES! Sounds like your UOD is finally behaving!! 3 cheers from Canada for Denise's UOD.
Denise, that's fantabulous news. I knew your recalcitrant lining would get it together! I have to ask though, do the viagra suppositories do anything else? Eh hem.
We are a household that LOVES vitamin water. My favorite is Revive - it is the fruit punch flavor; I don't recomend the green tea one - husband was not a fan and he is a big green tea drinker. I have found the price to be $1.39 at most places when not on sale but about once a month they are 10 for $10 at safeway.
sounds like all is moving along quite well with the lining and i giggle about the viagra - best thoughts to you with this process!!!
This is great news. I'm glad your lining is cooperating.
The whole thing about nurses and doctors not telling you details unless you are begging for it drives me crazy, too. I always read it as being totally condescending - like "what do you need to know that for? you couldn't possibly understand what it means!" It really bugs me a lot, but I think it's true that many people probably do feel ok just hearing "it's all good." I need to keep reminding myself of that - not everybody is like me, needing to know every detail and questioning everything. I think the blogging community is a bit self-selecting for people who are inquiring and who want to be as educated as they can about what they're going through. So to me, I can't quite understand people who just have that trust in the general information.
And am I ever jealous of your colobloggers meetings! Sigh. They sound so great. Not to mention that panini...
I'm so happy to hear your lining got it's ass in gear after the slow start. It sounds like a much better day than Friday. Hurray!
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