Instead of jiggling like a bowl full of jelly, I'm jiggling like a bowl full of water.
The ultrasound this morning showed some fluid in my abdominal area. Up high, down low. But none in the chest, which is good. They are concerned, so I am to keep up with the fluid and sodium intake and report in if I start to feel any worse. Overall, I feel pretty good so far. SO much better than last time. I think a lot of that can be attributed to my careful planning with starting the stool softeners two days before the retrieval. I learned a very difficult lesson about my body and anesthesia last time. So I'm happy to report that all bodily functions are now functioning properly! Yes, I know, TMI. I'm not even going to apologize anymore.
Last night was a bit rough as I was really sore. It was difficult to move around and even sit or lie comfortably. Today I am much less sore, but feeling pretty full. The plan is to proceed with a day 5 transfer. They will do another ultrasound the morning of the transfer to check fluid and hope that it has receded.
I just had to step away from the computer to answer the phone for our fert report! Out of the 16 eggs, 15 were mature, and 13 fertilized. So we have 13 to work with and we are very pleased with that number. Last time, with 27 eggs, we ended up with 18 to work with. This time, 11 less eggs, but only 5 less embryos to work with. Pretty good results, if I do say so myself.
The embryologist said they will check on our lucky 13 (my words, not hers) Sunday morning. If the majority of them are 6-10 cells, they will call to let me know we're on for a day 5 transfer. If not, they'll call to tell us to come in that day for transfer. I really hope they grow well and quickly so that we can stretch to day 5. I'm hoping that will give my body more time to adjust and get rid of the fluid.
On that note, I'm off to drown myself in vitamin water and salt for the rest of the day. Happy Friday!
New Year
1 day ago
Great news, Denise! Rest up and may those embies grow and grow!
Great news, Denise! Rest up and may those embies grow and grow!
This is some damn fine news, Denise! Rest up, stay comfortable and keep doing what you're doing. Seriously, I think you've got an Olympic squad of embryos!
YAY! That is great news!!! 13 is AWESOME! Hope the fluid goes down. Thinking comfortable thought for you!!
Enjoy that vitamin water and the R&R! Thinking of you and your great embies!
Nicely done this time! I have lots of hope for you.
Sorry about the fluid but glad you're feeling better. Go enjoy a yummy bowl of salty popcorn...sounds like it might be just what the doc ordered.
Great news! And I'm hoping those lucky 13 divide and grow.
Enjoy the salt and vitamin water. My RE suggested Salt and Vinegar potato chips. I couldn't stomach them for their taste but maybe you can.
Great news on the embies, and i hope you feel less fluid filled soon :)
awesome!!! my sister's lucky number is 13!!!! great news and I will be checking back often!
Denise, you have 5 days, you can push out all liquid by them. Hope your embies grow, divide and reach to the blast!
French fries!!!! Canned soup. Frozen dinners.
I just know you will get all that fluid out. I am so excited for you!!!!
13 is a VERY lucky number!!! Yay!!!!
hey you! Re: your question, you need to get a site meter. Go to my blog and click on the little site meter icon. It will take you to the site and you can copy the code and put it on your blog. You'll be able to see who's on when and where. It also brings up referrals from other blogs and google searches. It's kind of fun when you're performing work avoidance! Now, go drink some vitamin water.
OMG, what an excellent fert report!! Lucky 13!!
I hope the fluid retention gets better and I'm so glad that the stool softeners have helped.
I'm praying for a five day transfer for you!!
Have I mentioned that you're like a f*g cat? You produce these crazy litters you lucky bitch!
Congrats on the results, that's great.
Re the status reports cuz we're awake during retrieval, yup - got 1, that's 3, etc. I'm so gonna post about that cuz i find it odd that you're out. I need to know.
I like the pink vitamin water. I've been trying it this week after your mentioning it.
great news. i'm glad you are feeling well! take care,
Fantastic, Denise! I'm sending fluid-drying wishes your way. Go, embies, go!
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