We are officially on the schedule to be induced Sunday night/Monday morning. As of today, I am 70% effaced and my cervix is very soft, but I'm not yet dilated at all. If I'm still not dilated at my appointment on Thursday, then we report to the hospital at 7:30pm Sunday night to start the induction. If I have started to dilate by Thursday, then we will go in Monday morning. The theory is that if I'm not dilating on my own, they start with a medication that goes right behind the cervix (can't remember the name of it). They put the medication in every 4 hours and it should take awhile to cause my cervix to dilate. By Monday morning, I should be somewhat dilated and they would break my water and start me on pit.ocin. If I'm already dilating on my own, they will start by breaking my water and giving me the pito.cin, so we skip the first step. This is why they would have me go in Monday morning instead of Sunday night. Everyone confused yet?
The bottom line is that Apple and Banana should be born Monday, December 22nd! We will have two little miracle Hanukkah babies! That is, if I don't go into labor on my own before then. The dogs are scheduled to go to the kennel Saturday and we will keep them there until next Friday (the 26th). This should give us time to get home (hopefully with the babies) and settle in a little before we turn the dogs' world upside down.
The NST was pretty standard today. Apple very reactive, Banana not so much. They both passed the BPP, but Apple took her time about it, while Banana was quick. They tend to take turns like that. The doctor did an internal exam today to check my cervix and it was pretty uncomfortable. Now I'm really sore. Just wait until Monday, right? Both babies are still head down, so we are on to try for a vaginal birth. Yay! They also did another culture for group B strep as apparently the one I had done in the hospital was too long ago and it could have changed. My blood pressure was normal, but a bit higher than it usually is (120/74). Total weight gain is somewhere around 33 or 34 pounds.
My throat was killing me last night and this morning, but it feels a bit better now. I really expected to wake up to a full fledged head cold this morning, but it hasn't fully hit yet. Maybe I can dodge the bullet and just deal with the sore throat for a bit. I've been stuffed up pretty much for the entire second half of my pregnancy, but it isn't completely congested, so hopefully I can avoid that.
Oh, and Monday night is also the Bears/Packers game. And the doctor on call on Monday (in case you wonder Jen, it is Dr. Abm) is a big Bears fan-we bonded over it while I was in the hospital and we were able to get her some Bears gear from our connection (thanks Staley!). I'm actually happy that we were in the hospital for those 11 days as it allowed me to get comfortable with all of the doctors in the practice (there are 6 of them).
That's all for now. Sorry, this post is kind of rambling. My head is all over the place. Can you believe we will most likely be a family of four this time next week?
#Microblog Monday 526: Brackets
21 hours ago
I've been offline for a couple of days. I'm sooo happy for you that there is an end in sight! Just a few more days!!!
Family of 4 - AWESOME!!!!!!!
OMG-I can't believe they will be here by this time next week! You must be so excited!!! I hope you feel better so you are full of energy by SUnday! Can't wait to hear the wonderful news!
Fantastic! I will be sending you many good labor thoughts! When they are home and healthy and you feel rested, I must come spoil you with some treats in trade for snuggle time...and time to just smell their noggins....So excited for you!!!!
Okay, I am officially confused. But I am still over the moon that those babies are growing bigger every day!
I wish smooth sailing for all 4 of you!
So thrilled for you and so excited to see pics of the little fruties soon! Sending you so many good labor vibes and hoping those munchkins come into the world safe and sound and strong. Many blessings for those Hanukkah babes!
Super, I hope you have the birth you've always dreamed of!!! So glad that everything is working out perfectly! Now get ready for the really hard part (taking care of babies)! Congrats on your family of four!
Wow. It truly hits home to read a family of four. I hope you are able to somewhat wrap your head around your new due date and feel as prepared as possible for your big day.
I must say I feel honored to have followed your story and I am so excited to start to read about your new beginning!
I wish you a smooth delivery and I have no doubt you will enjoy it all.
hey denise, just wanted to wish you well with the induction!
i am an emotional wreck - i have tears in my eyes and I may have to close my office door.
what a great post! I am so excited for you and B and your new family! I cannot believe that the time is almost here.
great news and I keep my fingers crossed that the kiddos stay in good positioning for their entry into this world!
Wow. Your little Yuletide babies are on the way! I was going to say I can't believe it's time, but, obviously, that's easy for me to say.
I'm so thrilled for you guys!
This is so great and may I just say isn't it amazing what a year can bring?!
YAY!!!! What a wonderful Hanukkah/Christmas blessing!!! I am so happy for you and I'm hoping that you have a wonderful birth experience.
"Family of Four" has such a nice ring to it :)
Hang in there, little buddy - the end of this chapter is almost here and then begins 'the rest of your life'
Yay for your little tax deductions! Hee.
And I am so jealous you have Dr. Abm delivering you. I have my appointment with her Thursday.
But I still can't believe next week, they will be here! Eek! It is so very exciting. I'm so happy for you!
Congrats! Looking forward to hearing the good news about your two little miracles arriving just in time to catch the last week of '08!
Hope the cold improves, too.
That's really exciting!
ahaha... poor doggies! Ours will be the same way, if we ever get there! :)
Yipee!! Must feel great to have a date and a plan. I hope and pray all goes easily and wonderfully for you and Apple and Banana! I'm sure you'll do great!
BTW, thank you so much for sharing all your details, this is more information on pregnancy than I've gotten anywhere and it's really good to hear first hand.
Go Packers! [Sorry..it's a reflex from this ex-Wisconsinite. ;)
Very Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!
Im counting the days--I thought about you this morning when I saw the date on the calendar! Hope your appt goes well today, too!
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