Doctor came in to check on things. They ended up breaking Baby "A's" bag-o-water. They inserted an internal monitor on Apples's head and also an internal contraction monitor. Now they only need to externally monitor for Banana. They also upped the pitocin. to a whopping 4ml.
We are moving along but obviously we thought we would be farther along. I think Denise is starting to get a bit frustrated but overall she is still in a good mood.
We are now monitoring the contractions internally which can give us an idea of how strong they are. With the external monitor they only measure frequency.
Again, Denise wanted to make sure that everyone knows she is doing well and I have been reading her all comments and that has given her a boost so keep them coming.
I will try to keep up with this but I have also been busy phoning family and friends.
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
Hang in there!!! You can do this. No. wait, you are so rocking this right now!!!!
Can't wait to see Apple and Banana.
Oh, my mom says hi. She is a lurker but she is psyched for your big day too!
Get used to hurrying up just to wait. This may be the only time your kiddos are early! 4 mL of pit is moving right up there, they go slow for a reason, says my OB nurse friend-too fast=VERY bad contration pain! Keep rockin it!
You're making progress - slow and steady! Thanks for the update, and hang in there, mom!
I am sure it is taken a lot longer then what you thought. I know that Hannah took forever... It is almost over though!!!
Good Luck!
Lisa, Hannah and Jose
Oh, how exciting! I wanted to post yesterday when I saw your pics that you look great! I was totally blown away by the photos.
Best of luck today! An early congrats to both Denise and B! You'll make wonderful parents. :-D
Hi Denise!!!
Tell her my beta was 125 today! :)
You know, I've been trying to remember how high the dosage can go for the 'p' drug. I remember them saying '9' for me but maybe that's in Canadian - you know, there must be a conversion! LOL I just remember the doctor coming in and checking the monitor because he didn't think I was in labour since I was laughing and having fun. What else are you supposed to do? That's when I learned I had a high tolerance for pain.
Enjoy this time together - I can't stress that enough. It's a fun and exciting time!!!
Rachel still keeps coming up to the laptop and if I'm not on your blog she says 'uh oh neece' (translates to uh oh Denise) - LOL Even a 28 month old is cheering for you :)
I'll check back after dinner
Stay positive, honey! I will venture the minutes are just crawling along . . . esp. after all of those weeks on bedrest, too.
How does your room look? Do you have any of the same nurses as last time you were there? Have you and B assigned snarky code names to the staff yet?!
I am at home, monitoring Lil Pumpkin as she eats a VERY late lunch. She just took her Elmo fork and shoved it into her whole apple, LOL. Kinda eating it like a candy apple on a stick - smart girl, creativity points there!
Have you and B settled on names completely?
D-you are moving along great!!! You are an inspiration for me especially of things to come!!! I hav ebeen checking in all day and can't wait to hear the next good update! Keep up the good work!
PS. Good work by B as well for the support and updates!
Denise, don't get discouraged. I am in awe of your bravery. This will be over sooner than it feels and you will be able to look into your babies eyes, smell their skin, and feel their fingers curl around yours.
You have waited far too long but it is almost over.
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