Today's NST went fairly well considering we were able to get both babies on the monitor for a long enough period of time. Apple looked great, but this time Banana's strip was a bit flat. Met with the doctor next and everything is normal with me. She looked at my rash (this is a different doc than the one who looked last week) and said she thought the rash on my abdomen is PUPPP, but that she wasn't sure what the rest of it is. She did say it looks pregnancy-related to her and that it should go away after the babies are born. In the meantime, I just have to keep doing what I'm doing and suffer through. This is going to be a long (x) days.
Next was the BPP and both babies passed. It took awhile for Banana to pass this time, but he did eventually. Today Apple measured 4 pounds, 5 ounce and Banana measured an even 5 pounds. The sonographer mentioned that we shouldn't get too caught up in the numbers because the margin of error this far along is up to a pound. But based on these measurements, their growth is different by 14%, so not too bad. Banana still has more fluid than Apple, but she appears to have a good amount of fluid, so I no longer need to keep doing the baths for her fluid. However, the doc said I could take baths if I wanted to and try the A.veeno oatmeal bath treatment to see if it was soothing for the rash.
Both babies are still head down and the sonographer noted that Banana is much lower now than he was last week. I had a sneaking suspicion that he was lower as I've been feeling a bit more pressure. The other notable change is that my cervix has shortened to 2.3cm and has started to funnel. This means that the top portion of the cervix (closest to the uterus and the babies) has started opening. Normally this would be a sign of pre-term labor, but since average gestation for twin pregnancies is 35 weeks and I'll be 35 weeks on Thursday, this isn't a cause for concern at this point. It just means that we are getting close and starting to see some action.
That's about all for now. I can't type for long (or concentrate on anything for long) as the itching just drives me batty. The prescription lotion and the cream don't really seem to help at all, but I'm still using them. The only relief seems to be from using ice packs (thanks Rebecca!), but it is hard to know where to put them since I itch all over. Gotta try out that oatmeal bath tonight and see if it helps.
Old Digital Books
1 day ago
well, i ask for an update and there I get one within moments. Sweet!
It'll be so soon Denise. SO SOON. :)
Yuck for continued itchiness, but YAY for making this far!! 35 weeks for the duo is great!
Enjoy your oatmeal bath and I hope you feel some relief soon.
You are getting close and they are getting big! Yay!
Getting so close! That's wonderful!
You're definitely in the home stretch awesome!!!!
Hang in there, it won't be much longer at all :)
Everything sounds great! Try the Aveeno...I have a good friend who swears by it...I wish I did! Glad the ice is giving you temporary relief.
WOW - I cannot believe how quickly this whole thing has gone - i know that you have had a lot of ups and downs, but this is going to be so amazing! I have been thinking about you and b and the doggies and apple and banana so much, so I hope you feel the good vibes.
i hope the bath was extraordinary last night!
I am so thrilled for you hoofing it out like this!!! Remember when you were approaching 30 weeks, and praying to stay pregnant for 32 weeks?! Every day longer is such a giant victory. Well done, Chief Baker!
Great news Denise! You are a rockstar in my book, my dear! You have been such an incredible trooper and such a good momma. They are gonna be here so soon - it is so amazing!!!
Tomorrow is 35 weeks!!! I am so glad you and your duo have made it this far!!!
And they sound like they're doing very very well. Apple has shown those doctors that she's definitely a little figher and will not be outdone by her brother!
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