While the doc was looking through my file today, she mentioned that the doc on Monday had written "fingertip" in my chart, but I didn't ask her to clarify. From what I've read, this can mean either 0 or 1 cm. Some sites I've read say that this means 1 cm, but others say that true dilation means the cervix is open all the way through, in which case, I'm still 0 cm. She also didn't say how effaced I am today. I didn't ask this either. Not sure where my head is today. Oh well. So much for answers.
My cervix is very soft or "ripe." Because of this, the doc today didn't think it made sense to start with the medicine that goes behind the cervix because this generally just helps it soften. So, we are officially reporting to the hospital at 7:30am on Monday morning to start with pito.cin. We have no idea how long labor will take. Usually a first labor takes a long time, but twin labors tend to go quicker because of the extra weight/pressure. I'm hoping it goes quick (of course).
Apple and Banana both passed the BPP today. Apple's heart rate was 138 and Banana's was 148. Although it is a total and complete guesstimate at this point, we asked for estimated weights out of curiosity. The measurements put both babies at 5 pounds 3 ounces, although she had a really difficult time getting a good measurement of Banana's head. We'll see how accurate that is on Monday. Oh, and my belly is now measuring almost 43 cm!
I replaced the poll to the right with a similar one for Monday morning. It refers to how dilated I will be Monday morning when we get to the hospital (before they start the induction).
We do plan on bringing a laptop with to the hospital Monday and I will try to post updates as much as possible. But of course I can't make any promises. Not sure how long I'll be able to "live blog" through labor!
oh that would be so cool if you could post between pushes!
Live blog.
That's hilarious!
But that is great news about the babies sizes! If they are that big, wow. You've got a lot of pushing to do lady!
Monday is almost here. That's insane!
Sending you tons of good vibes for an easy and painless labor and delivery with two healthy babies at the end of it all. No stiches, no drama, lots of good memories, hugs, tears of joy, and happiness!
I'm with Duck - can you focus on us and post between pushes? ;-)
They are getting so big! Enjoy your last weekend of rest and relaxation....wait have you seen that in the last several months at all??!!
They're almost here! I'm so excited for you! Wishing you a quick and (hopefully) painfree labor!
i laughed at the thought of you doing a quick post in the middle of labor!
the denotter house is thinking lots about you sending happy family vibes your way!
Oh Denise - you make me chuckle! If you can do a 'live blog' while you're in labour, you deserve a HUGE MEDAL!!!!! :)
Enjoy this last 'quiet' weekend!
On a side note, I'm having my blog go private but if you would like me to add you, I'd be more than willing to. Just email me and let me know (not like you'll have a lot of time once A&B are here but sometimes you just need a break lol)
Yes, yes, REAL TIME blogging!
I am sticking with my guess of 2 cm.
I am STILL waiting on what I will win if I am correct?! And I am still holding out for naming rights, LOL!
Can your hubby also do a live blog entry for us?!
GIRL - YOU ARE 36 FREAKIN' WEEKS PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!! That is soooo friggin' amazing?! I hope you are bursting with oride (lemme guess, your belly sure as hell is abot to burst, lol).
Eat something extra yummy before this last weekend is over!
you are hilarious.
You've come a long way baby, or should I say babies? Great news all around! I did the live blogging thing when my hubby was in the hospital. Gotta love that hospital wireless! You need something to distract you during labor!
EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! It's so exciting!!
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