We had our last appointment with the perinatologist today. It went well, the babies looked fine. They measured Apple at 4 pounds 6 ounces and Banana at 5 pounds 1 ounce, so pretty close to what the OB's sonographer got on Monday. Fluid looked okay too. Apple is coming in at the 17th percentile (was 19% two weeks ago) and Banana at the 27th (was 40% two weeks ago). So Banana slipped down the curve a bit. But the peri said the growth curves are based on singleton averages and that it is common for twins to be behind the curve, so not concerning enough to do anything about it.
Because of where the babies are now (head down, stable and at a late enough gestational age) and because of this hellacious rash I have all over my body, her recommendation is to take me off the pro.cardia tomorrow (contractions be damned) and schedule an induction at 36 weeks (in about a week) if I don't go into labor first. She didn't bother with a cervical check today because it really doesn't matter at this point-if I go into labor, they will let me.
I have mixed feelings about induction, but I really think that my days as a stellar incubator are past. I'm not getting any decent sleep (maybe an average of 2 hours a night) and when I do sleep, I'm scratching myself in my sleep. My appetite is starting to wane. And frankly, I'm starting to lose my sanity. I'm usually in tears at some point every night because I just want the itch to stop. The rash keeps spreading and absolutely nothing is helping. I'm also appalled at the sight of it. I played around with the idea of taking some pictures to post, but I'm afraid I might lose all of you, my dear readers, for posting something so incredibly offensive. I guess one good point is that the itch pretty much takes my mind off of the pelvic pain and makes it less intense.
I can definitely tell that the babies are low now. Lots of pressure going on down there. It will be really interesting to see if anything happens spontaneously after stopping the medication tomorrow. It has been a long 6 weeks since I first went to the hospital and I'm proud of us for making it this far. My goal all along was to get each baby to 5 pounds and to go to 38 weeks. Those goals tend to slip as things start going wrong along the way. I am just relieve to be past the major developmental milestones for the babies and will just hope for the best at this point. I'm trying to get excited that we are so close to the end now, but to be honest, all I feel right now is relief. The itching will stop. It is all I can think about right now.
#Microblog Monday 526: Brackets
21 hours ago
I don't know about anyone else but it takes a lot more than a rash, even an offensive one, to turn me away.
You poor thing! You must be miserable, and I am so sorry for that. I hope you find some relief (like in the next 2 minutes) and that it never comes back.
But YOU DID IT! You kept the babies in and you kept them safe! I can't wait to see your babies in all their glory!
Sorry to hear that your in itching hell! That sounds so awful, I have dermititis that sometimes gets bad (and by the way is made much better by toasting myself in a sun bathing machine thingy - my brain is toast).
I can't believe that you are now on the verge of meeting your babies face to face, I'm so happy and excited for you Denise, you worked so hard to get here, kudos to you.
The end is approaching! So glad they are both doing so well! And Ill be SO happy for you when the itching stops=)
The end is certainly in sight. I can't believe you are already here. I know for you it has probably dragged on, but it seems like it has all gone by so fast! I am sending lots of good labor vibes and healthy baby wishes!!!!
I've seen a nasty case of PUPP before so I understand how you are feeling. Even though you know my position on inductions, I think if I was in your place right now, I'd be doing the exact same thing. Here's to a quick easy week so you can get those babies home!
You sound like one miserable incubator! Geeezzz!
It's is great that you made it this far, not that you had much of a choice, but I'm giving you points for persevering!
You may have your babies to hold in your arms this time next week!!! How exciting! And without a C-section, I take it?
I'm so glad they're doing so well!!! And hooray for the doc feeling they're OK to arrive. If you go into labor tomorrow we could have kids with shared birthdays. :-)
You've done so well. You've had so much more to deal with than I have so I can't even imagine how rough this has been. The beautiful end is in sight!
Oh Denise - I feel so bad for you! I definitely can't complain about my cold when you're sitting there itchy as can be. :(
I don't think you'll have to be induced but if you do, it's really not that bad. With Rachel, my water was 'trickling' and I was 4cm dilated already but NO contractions at all. We walked and walked and walked through the hospital but nothing would get them started so they put me on the drip. Wow - things sure got started then but honestly, it wasn't that bad. You just have to remember when you're in labour that the pain will soon go away...and it usually goes away the minute you see your beautiful baby - or in your case, babies :)
Hang in there, little buddy!!!
Can you believe this, there are almost here! I will be thinking of you all week and sending lots of positive thoughts your way for a safe labor and screaming, kicking babies! So excited for you D.
Oh, you poor thing! The itching sounds horrible! My sister gets really bad psoriasis sometimes and once wished to be reincarnated as a lobster or something without skin - so I have some vague sense of how much torture you are in.
I hope you have a wonderful birth that ends with two healthy babies who come home very soon, and that the rash will clear up right away. You've done a splendid incubating job - well done!
Wow, wow, wow - i don't think that they will have to induce - i believe your body is giving you a sign. HOLY COW - i cannot beleive you are so close.
I will send more to your personal e-mail address, but BIG HUGS to you!
Well I am glad you didn't go in yesterday - there was no room at the inn. The delivery ward was full - apparently six inductions yesterday at the hospital. Our baby class teacher said everyone wanted Christmas/tax deduction babies!
I'm so sorry the itching/rash hasn't abated but it will be all worth it - and so so very soon!
I can't imagine how ready you must feel to GET THOSE BABIES OUT! You will have years and years of stories for those children when they get out of line..."I itched like a wild hyena to bring you in this world," or "My center of gravity sunk to the floor while I carried you for 38 plus weeks." Oh, those babies will pay, yes they will!
You have been SUCH a trooper - I am in awe of what you have managed to do (ENDURE) in these past few weeks.
Tears are A-OKAY! They are a stress release, and good for you and the babies.
Ohhh you sound so miserable there with 2 hours of sleep and a horrible rash. I am glad the babies are measuring well and that you will be able to meet them sooner than planned.
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