I sure am getting my money's worth out of the nurses this cycle. I spoke with a nurse for about 30 minutes today. The bleeding could be a number of things:
1. Implantation bleeding-yes, it is possible for implantation to occur this late, or for the embryo(s) to just be burrowing in further. The process apparently takes weeks. Who knew? Plus, the nurse said that because we get hormones in spurts from the estrogen and progesterone support (rather than the constant supply that would occur in a natural pregnancy), it tends to make the uterine lining a bit less stable than it normally would be.
2. Impending period trying to break through even with the progesterone support
3. Irritation of the vaginal wall from the prom.etrium. If pregnancy is confirmed, they suggested switching me to endo.metrin which may not be as irritating.
4. Small, or beginning of, a subchorionic bleed (separation of lining from uterine wall). This can be diagnosed through ultrasound, but they don't see the point of doing this until a pregnancy is confirmed and the recommendation is always bed rest on hope it heals on its own. It can't be fixed.
The nurse said that if I was really worried, they could have me come in for blood test today, but it is still a bit early so she recommends we wait until scheduled blood test. I didn't push it.
Because of the possibility of number 4, I've been ordered back to bed rest through the weekend. Not as strict as post transfer, but lay down as much as possible and no vacuuming, laundry, etc. So I packed up some work to take with me and now I'm hanging out at home trying to get some work done and hoping with all my might that number 1 is true.
On the plus side, the spotting appears to have subsided. At least for now.
#Microblog Monday 526: Brackets
21 hours ago
Denise - They told me the same thing and that 90% is from the hormone levels and supplements we take or implantation spotting. I hope with all hope it is this for you!!! Fingers crossed for you.
Not to freak you out, but they left out ectopic which is very rare. I know 1st hand, so stay on top of them and ask as many questions as you need info!
Crikey is right. Bed rest? Does the clinic supply man servant to feed you grapes and plump pillows? I hope so. Fingers still crossed!
What a roller coaster! Thinking of you while you wait this out...
I sound like a broken record, but my implantation spotting started on day 11...
And I am crossing everything it all turns out.
Enjoy your rest!
Geezzz! I hope it's number one too. I know it must be driving you crazy, wondering what the heck is going on.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Yes, Maryanne I forgot to mention that one. I'm well aware of the possibility between you and Jen (Mama Wannabe). I hope I'm not following in your footsteps. Strange though that the nurse didn't mention it.
Hey Denise, I am thinking of you and am still completely hopeful for you. Isn't your beta tomorrow? Oh...I am just wishing and hoping and praying so hard for you!!!!
Geez! You're sure going through the wringer on this one. Hope the bed rest isn't too frustrating, and that you're feeling a lot calmer now that the bleeding has subsided. I'm keeping everything crossed for you and thinking of you very often throughout the day.
Ugh. Sorry that you're having to deal with all this, really sucks. Sending the shout out ups daily though!
Wow - big day for you and you are right about getting your $ worth! Like the rest of the other posters, I am pulling for numero uno! Let me know if there is ANYTHING i can do for you.
I am pulling for you, hon.
no vacuuming or laundry...that's a good thing. i'm hoping it's #1 too.
If it makes you feel any better, I had spotting yesterday which just about completely destroyed me. Today I'm making horrible jokes and thinking forward to how things will be different if this doesn't work, but where I'm going is I get where you're at. I thought I did previously, but after my scare yesterday, I really do. And it really really sucks. I'm actually, right there with you this time.
Oh Denise, this has been such a roller coaster ride for you.
I'm praying so hard that it's all implantation bleeding. Enjoy your bedrest, I'll be there resting with you.
It's all just so crazy. It was good of the nurse to offer you a blood test. For crying out loud, yes!
Be lazy! Rest as much as possible! I'm hopeful for some great news very soon from you!!! GOOD LUCK THIS WEEK - fingers are crossed for you!
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