About a week or so after we got home, Mother's Day arrived and I got my period. That morning. On Mother's Day. We went to the museum and out to lunch that day with my parents and my grandma. I bitterly told my mom how ironic it was that I got my period on Mother's Day and I think she was probably surprised at how upset I was. We hadn't been trying that long, after all. Just a couple of months into the journey and I was already noticing just how many children and pregnant women there are in the world. They were swarming at that museum exhibit.
Fast forward two years and now I'm pregnant (oh, if only those two years had gone by as quickly as that sentence makes it seem). But this day is still difficult. I am still super aware of bumps and little kids everywhere-at the restaurant and on tv. And the advertising for Mother's Day just seems over the top. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm pregnant. I'm a mom. Even though they aren't in the outside world yet, I am caring for those little embryos inside me as we speak (as I type). I even had a little bit of lunch meat today and then realized "oops! I'm not supposed to eat that right now!" I keep thinking that at any moment I'm going to wake up in my bed and realize this was all just a dream. The pee sticks were negative, the beta was negative. I keep waiting to wake up, but so far it hasn't happened. I think this is going to take some getting used to.
Because I'm still obsessed with betas, I found a little program that made this chart:

Isn't it pretty? Too bad I couldn't find something similar for twin pregnancies so I could visualize where I might fall on that chart.
I haven't always been the best daughter. When I was little, I must have driven my mom crazy by hanging onto her leg shyly whenever there were other people were around. She literally had to drag me with her when she walked. She got used to this that at some point when stepping on the scale at the doctor's office, she couldn't believe how much weight she gained. Until she realized I was still hanging onto her leg. There was the time I decided to decorate the fancy bathroom wallpaper and my hair with a jar of vaseline (what, isn't shiny hair pretty? You didn't want to wash my hair 50 times to get it out?). There was that horrible Mother's Day trip to Alabama for a gymnastics meet where I was the most rotten kid in the world. The times I snuck out of the house. The times I disappointed her with things I knew I shouldn't have done. I could go on and on with this list.
And through it all, my mom loved and supported me, taught me lessons and helped me grow into someone who is ready to be a mom herself. She has put almost as much time, energy, shopping, thoughts, hope and emotion into our IF treatments as we have. She deserves for me to be pregnant just as much as I do. And I'm not sure I could have made it to this point without her.
Thanks Mom. Happy Mother's Day. I love you!
i have had lots of thoughts of you, B and the sticky embies inside today, too.
your mom is top notch and it is through all the torture (that may be a bit extreme...but you get my point) from child rearing and the most current past that you learn to appreciate all she has done. Here is to your mom, to you and all those reading today - in hopes and prayers that the journies can have similar (end) results!!!
Happy First Mother's Day Denise!!
Cherish this day, you truly deserve it.
i had to work today and a woman, whom i happen to like very much, came up to me and said...this day must be very hard for you. i know she was just trying to be nice but it stung and it really wasn't necessary for her to say anything. i brushed it off and then i thought about it and smiled on the inside at the knowledge that i might have two babies growing in me and next year...if all goes well, i won't have her or anyone else's pity.
Having such support makes all the difference in the world.
Have a great day! You've waited a long time for this, so enjoy!
Yahhooo!!! Just logged on and saw your great news. Thrilled for you. Happy Mother's day!!!
I like Hippie and Sticky too! Cute!
I tagged you for a meme. :)
Enjoy your day! I don't really celebrate mother's day, and my wife's family doesn't either, so we didn't do anything, but hey, if you want to, go for it!
Denise ~ Again, congrats on the postive betas! Sounds like you have more than 1 in there! Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day.
I hope this is only the beginning of great mother's days for you! Good luck!
Happy Mother's Day girl!
Happy first Mday! Hope you enjoyed it.
Wow. this is such a touching post. Reading about you and your mom made me cry. And I love what you said about how just writing the sentence of 2 years was so much easier than the actual 2 years. How true is that.
I don't check in for a few days and you get knocked up! ;)CONGRATULATIONS! That is fantastic news -- and just in time for Mother's Day! Enjoy it -- you worked really hard to be celebrating this day! Congrats again -- I'm soo happy for you :)
I'm just now catching up on my reading and wanted to say congratulations and I wish you a very happy, healthy, uneventful 9 months! XOXO
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