Let me introduce you all to Sticky Bun (Bun A) and Sweet Bun (Bun B). We have 2 Buns baking! Sticky bun is measuring right on schedule (6w4d) and Sweet Bun is a day ahead (6w5d). They both look great! We weren't able to hear the thump of the little heartbeats because they don't like to use doppler this early on, but we did get to see the little flicker of both heartbeats on the screen and it was so cool! One was beating at 115 bpm and the other at 118 bpm, which is right on target. And my cervix looks great also (closed and long).
Looks like we'll definitely be reading that multiples book that K&G gave us!
OMG! 2 buns (yes I won I won - I voted for 2 buns).
This is fabulous news, the buns are there, growing. I'm so happy for you Denise. finally.
Wooooo Hooooooo!
I can't express how happy I am for you, Denise!
Yay!! Two healthy buns! (I voted 2 also) Congratulations Denise!! :)
congrats on your sticky buns, what great news! I wonder if your 2nd bout of spotting wasn't #2 burrowing in for the long haul.
congratulations on your 2 buns!
Whoohoo for Sticky and Sweet!!!!
Congratulations! I think one of the best resources on multiples is looking for clubs in your area. Just google your town and "twins club" or the like. They have lots of support set up for moms of twins. Usually, clubs like these have sales in the spring and fall, which is very useful. Oh, and I wouldn't worry about reading too much at this point. Most of the books on multiples just freaked me out.
Double YAY!!!!! I'm soooo exicted for y'all. Congratulations!!!
Yay!!!! Two buns! SO so happy for you Denise!!!! What incredible news!
Yippeee! I'm so thrilled for you, Denise!
I am so excited for you! What a great way to kick off your day with fabulous news! Sticky and Sweet - I love it!!! These 2 special darlings will have such a fabulous mommy and daddy (and furry siblings, too!). While multiples can be scary (and I speak only from the experience of being one!!!), there is such a special bond between the two of them that is just so cool!!!
XOXOXO (and a bonus Hell Yeah XOXO)
Look at that! Finally being able to see them must be incredibly satisfying (and scary?). Wonderful news. Congratulations!
Congrats on the sticky and sweet buns!
Yay for 2 sweet buns!! Congrats, Denise!
Yay!!! Welcome to the wonderful, scary, exhausting world of multiples! Congratulations and start up the protein shakes and say goodbye to you feet - you won't see them for a long, long time.
p.s. Thank God they have their own sac :)
This is good good news! Love the nick-names.
Two buns! Two sweet sticky buns! Denise, I am so very happy for you!
WOW!!! That's so incredible!!!
I'm doin' the happy dance for you! Yay!
oh wow!! congrats on the twins, so wonderful!!!
Here from NaComLeavMo
Wow! Congratulations!!
What wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm thrilled for you guys.
Wow! How wonderful! Congratulations Denise! I'm so happy for you and your hubby and your two little Buns!
OMG, This is utterly and completely fantastic!!
OMG, this is utterly and completely fantastic!!
This is wonderful Denise. I am just so happy for you and B!
here via nacomleavmo...
and what a day to pick your blog! for two reasons, congrats on your twins! and bc I'm heading to CCRm myself in a few weeks for testing... please stop by and tell me more!!!
That's wonderful news!!!! (I had voted for two buns -- what do I win?!)
Congratulations! I am so happy for you!
It's so nice to click on someone's blog for the first time on a day when they've received such good news! Congratulations, and I hope you start to feel better soon!
YAY for a successful scan. I hope the buns grow safe & well for another 32 or so weeks.
Yey, Yey, Yey for twins! I definitely have some books to recommend (for OR against!) if you're interested. :)
Dang 3 day weekend! I just caught your news... CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I just knew there was more than one. :) I actually voted for 3. :)
Congratulations on your twins!!
2 buns!! What great news!!
Congratulations on your TWO buns!!
CONGRATS on the 2 BUNS!!!
Just putting my formal congrats on the blog! Yay!
And OMG you are going to be huge! But in a good little pregnant lady way!
COngrats Denise!!! It has been a long journey and you guys so deserve it!
Congrats on the two babies! I voted for two, also.
Oooooh! Congrats on your buns! SO exciting! Here from NCLM!
Congratulations! I hope everything proceeds on target!
WOW x 2!!! I am so happy for you! Congrats on your two buns!
Here from NaComLeavMo and offering my congratulations on your two little buns! They are already adorable :-)
Hi - I am stopping by via NCLM and want to wish you congrats!! (Congrats times two!)
i found you via NaComLeavMo and what great timing!
Well done you and fantastic news on your two buns.
I'm at 17 weeks this week with one little person.
Congrats x's 2!
I opened your post, gasped and covered my mouth. This was followed by a smile. I am completely and utterly happy for you. Marvel in the joy and fear you are feeling all at the same time. You have a lot of time to get used to this idea of 4 feet running around your floors. The ultrasound looks absolutely amazing!
I texted you already, but here to be official - congrats on the buns!! I knew you had two in there!!!
Congrats! That's awesome. I hope all is great for the rest of the 34 weeks (or so!).
(from NaComLeavMo)
Congratulations on your TWINS!!! Here's to a happy and healthy pregnancy!
Those are two beautiful buns!!!
Congrats :)
Fantastic!! You have buns in the oven!! Couldn't be happier for you Denise although I voted 3 - I guesss I'll take 2 (hehehe). Yeay for sticky and sweet!!!!!!!
Congratulations, Denise. I just found your blog today through a comment you left on CCRM. Looks like you've got two little munckins on the way! You saw Dr. G, right? I have an appt with Dr. S in 10 days and wondering if Dr. G is better. ANy advice. I am coming from out of town for my 'workup'.
I will be bookmarking your blog. Congrats!
Mamasoon, not sure if you will see this, but I can't get to you through your profile, so I have no way to contact you. Let me know (website or email) and I can give you some assvice on CCRM!
Delurking (and from NCLM) to say..congratulations on having TWO buns in the oven!!!
Delurking (and from NCLM) to say..congratulations on having TWO buns in the oven!!!
YAY!!! 2 beautiful, delicious buns! I'm so glad they are baking away. So so thrilled for you! XOXO
Hooray! Congratulations! This is wonderful news!
Here from NCLM. Congrats on your wonderful news!!
How exciting! Congratulations to you!!!
(here through NaComThingy)
Oh wow! Congratulations! Very, very exciting!
Oh my goodness! Congratulations! What a wonderful first post to read in coming over from NaComLeavMo. The Buns look beautiful! (Course, now I'm hungry). :)
Wow what a pos to chose to come and visit from NCLM! whooohooooo! Congratulations - I look forward to reading more!
Wow what a pos to chose to come and visit from NCLM! whooohooooo! Congratulations - I look forward to reading more!
Congrats Denise! I knew there had to be more than 1 in there. I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations!! Twins!! That's awesome!!!
Here from NCLM, that's just fantastic news! Hooray for 2 buns!
Hey Denise, your name got picked in my drawing! Can you email when you get a moment, an address you feel comfortable in giving me and I'll send you your gift! Thanks!!! babycrusade at gmail dot com
Wow, what great news! (Over from NCLM) that's double the happiness!
Congratulations on two wonderful little beans with wonderful little beating hearts!!!!
Like Phoebe said, you can go to http://www.nomotc.org/ and find a local Mothers of Twins group for great resources. As soon as I'm not-nauseous enough to sit in a coffee shop I'm heading to one in Charleston.
Congratulations!! New here via NCLM. It looks like it has been a long road for you to get here. I'm glad to arrive in happy times, but wish I could have supported the harder moments. VERY happy and healthy 9 months to you.
Brilliant! Congratulations!
I'm so excited for you! When I saw your Betas, I figured it was twins! CONGRATULATIONS! :)
CONGRATS! That's great!!! Good work!
Congratulations, Denise!! I'm so very happy for you!
Congratulations!!! Mommy x 2!!
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