We triggered tonight! I wasn't surging on my own, but my lining is ready and the follicle was big enough. We are schedule for transfer on Tuesday! They will thaw 10 embryos on Saturday (and leave 4 in the freezer) and try to get them to grow. If they don't do so well, we could get a call Sunday telling us to come in for transfer then. But if some grow well, they'll try to grow them until Tuesday and any leftovers will be refrozen.
So the natural part of the cycle is now over. Saturday I start progesterone and estrogen patches and Sunday I start the med.rol and tetra.cycline. I'm skipping the PIO shots this time and going with the supps. I'll have to figure out how to stay horizontal for 30 minutes at work during the day somehow. At this point, it just seems easier than the PIO shots. I'm still sore from the last round which was stopped 3 1/2 weeks ago. I've asked two separate nurses how long it takes for the tissue to go back to normal after you stop PIO shots. One told me up to 6 months and the other said up to a year! Crazy.
The nurse is going to check with the doc tomorrow to see if I can do est.race instead of the estrogen patches because of the reaction I've had to the adhesive in the past. If he says yes, she will ask if orally is okay instead of supps, but I'm not getting my hopes up on that one.
All in all, I still can't believe we're here, in this place. Last week was so sucky and today has been so great. I wish last week I could have known where we would be this week and then I could have avoided my freak out. Hindsight, right? Kind of like I wish I could know today that in a matter of months (or maybe a year? Two years? Whenever) we would have a baby. Wouldn't that be great if we could just KNOW it would happen eventually and that way we could just sit back and trust that it will work?
The theme of today's photo is:
I had to post two for this one. One from the beach and one in the mountains. The beach shot is from Maui on our honeymoon in July of 2004. The mountain shot is somewhere west of Crested Butte along Highway 12 around Kebler Pass taken in September 2007.
Today's song is "A Postcard to Nina" by Jens Lekman.
New Year
1 day ago
WHOOOOOOO!!! Thank you body!!!!!
Lcuky vibes for you are being sent!!!!
It's just such a roller coaster ride.
Beautiful pix.
Isn't that the truth!! If we could just know what we'd know in a few months, few years... we could sit back and be cool. Love the moutain picture!!
I'm so excited. And screw transfer room three this time. Make rooms one or two lucky for the rest of us! Yay!
Denise, So glad to hear the good news. Sounds like things are going well. Also, love the pics. I had dinner w/ my sister-in-laws parents last night- they're from Crested Butte. :) I'll be thinking peaceful thoughts for you.
Oh YES! You've been given the ALL-CLEAR! That's great news...good luck as you approach the big day next week Tuesday...I'm pulling for you!
Great pictures too!
How freaking exciting. All the "what ifs" going through your mind. I hope they come true, really I do!
I'm doing the estract and supps too - as this is their first ivf cycle of not doing the pio shots. Yeah, some tell me that pio shots is the way to go, but if I have good progesterone without having to stick a giant needle in my ass, why not?
Good luck denise!!!
I am so excited for you! I have often said, if only I knew the outcome of this IVF, I could sit back and enjoy the ride. Your experience really helps me put things in perspective. Freakouts are often wasted energy in the end, I'll try to remember that.
Love your pictures!
How amazing that everythings turning around for the best!!! YAY!!
I'll be praying for your snowbabies to make it to Tuesday.
YAY!!! Such great news!!!
Bodies sure are unpredictable, aren't they?! I'm so glad everything looks ready and I'll be thinking of you next Tuesday. Just stay as positive as you sound. I love the pics--DH & I were in Maui in August of 2004 for our honeymoon--just beautiful! :)
What a good day!
Yay! For FreezerBuns in the Oven!!!!
So glad that you're triggering! That's great. Thanks so much for your comment, thought I was crazy to have a delayed depression, it feels better to know that i'm not alone. Your uterus makes mine hopeful :)
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