After our ultrasound on Monday, I called my mom to tell her everything looked great. But I held back a bit. I didn't tell her that we were able to see Apple and Banana's genders with some level of certainty. Yes, I lied and said that they weren't able to tell yet. It was a long week waiting for my parents to get back into town. When they did, they found a little treasure hunt set up in their house.
When my parents opened their garage door upon returning from their trip, this is what they saw (if you can't read the signs, click to make the picture bigger):
The rest of the signs led them through the house until the final surprise!
And behind the Baby A and Baby B signs was a little stuffed bear for each holding a little ultrasound picture:
The pictures have a bit of a glare and yes, they are pink because our printer ran out of black toner. So, the scanned versions of the actual photos are below. Apple was being a little shy, but the tech was about 70% sure it's a girl! Banana wasn't so shy and the tech was about 90% sure it's a boy! So, looks like it could be boy/girl twins for us-for now anyway-to be confirmed at the next scan hopefully. If you can't tell, the pictures below show a view as if the babies are sitting on the camera with their legs stretched out in front of them. You can see two legs and the little bums and a little something in between for Banana. We are beyond excited!

That is soooo beyond awesome! Congrats!!!!!
This is very exciting!! I'm so happy for you!
Ha - I just had a blast playing a long there!
Boy/girl twins! That is really awesome - congratulations.
Woooooo Hoooooooo!!!
If you want some practice, mine are for hire anytime. Especially during yoga on Sunday mornings ;-).
Oh this is amazing, you get to do all the cool things that you get to do with a boy and with a girl!!!!
Glad that things are going well. Hugs from Canada.
congrats! the best of both worlds
I absolutely love the way you told the family! That was so much fun playing along!
A boy and a girl...sigh! How beautiful!
I have a twin brother and remember sitting in our bedroom when we were young and patting each other's faces and hands saying how we'd always be each other's "budder" and "sissy". It's a beautiful bond!
Very awesome!!! What a fun way to tell your parents. Are they psyched? I am really close to my mom as well and I feel the same way. None of it is a surprise to her because she is in on all the nitty gritty.
How wonderful! And what a great way to share the news! Congratulations and many happy returns!
Too Cool!
YAY! A boy and a girl is so wonderful! And you are impressively creative, I'm sure your parents must have been excited beyond belief to have found the clues!
That was such a great thing to do for g'ma and g'pa!!! I am sure they just had a blast. Congrats on b/g twins!!!
How amazing! I am just so happy for you. Your blog has shown the places you have been physically and emotionally and this is such a wonderful new direction for you and B. One of each is perfect!
You should come for an hour and then head to the MOM sale!
THAT is so fantastic! Wow!
Congratulations! Boy and girl! You will be a very busy mom!
Congratulations!! You are so lucky to get 1 of each!! How exciting!! I hope that will be me!!!
As soon as I saw "The Bears" I knew...the Bernstein bears have Brother Bear and Sister Bear! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Denise! I am beyond excited for you!!!! And what a fun and thoughtful way to share the news with your cool!
Such wonderful news! Congratulations!
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you...and how appropriate that Baby B (Banana) is a boy ha ha ha
Can't wait to follow along with you during your pregnancy. It's such an amazing time in your life - enjoy each moment, especially when the kicks come along.
So glad you finally got to spill with your parents!
What an adorable idea! I had chills reading each sign and awaiting the outcome. Congratulations!!!
Such a fantastic way to tell. A lot of work, but so worth the excitement that must have been mounting.
YAY!!!!! That is so wonderful - congrats on you baby girl and baby boy! And what a sweet way to share the news. :)
Wow, nicely delivered to your folks. cool:-)
lol. I already knew, so nothing "new" to me, but still, can i say that you two are giant dorks? lol! :)
That is so awesome, I can only imagine how fun this was for all of you! congratulations!
That was the cutest little treasure hunt ever! What a great idea!
that's awesome...and very creative way to share the news with your folks.
I love the way you told them! So crafty! Congratulations and enjoy every single moment...I have loved getting ready for boy/girl twins! I hope you will too!
Congratulations! How exciting - a boy and a girl! I think it was very creative and adorable how you told your parents.
BTW, love the belly pics - you're looking great! So glad everything is going well!
Wow, the suspense. My blood pressure rose just reading this post. I can't imagine how your parents felt running through their house!
you did an amazing job. did they love it? what was their reaction? you did a lovely job@!
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