Option #1 has blue and green stripes with a yellow ceiling. Option #2 has yellow and green stripes with a blue ceiling. Option #3 is just green on two opposing walls (the window wall and door wall) and yellow on the other two opposing walls (the big blank wall that will have the cribs against it and the closet wall that also has the archway leading to the bathroom). Please tell me if you like any of these options. I'm still trying to decide if the stripes or using all three colors is too much.
I've also attached a picture of the pattern we think we've settle on for the nursery decor/crib bedding for your reference. It is a pretty busy pattern, but most of the crib bedding will actually be solid colors. The pattern will just be on accent pieces. Oh, and we don't plan on painting the bathroom, so the bright colors will stop at the archway.
Bring on the opinions, please!
I like the solid color walls better than the stripes. The stripes made me think of a circus tent, however that is just my opinion and you know what they say about those right?
I also like option 3. Especially if you have stripe accents. It may be a lot of stripes??
I love the idea of the paint program. I've used it but they didn't have the option to download a photo before. Sounds fun and overwhelming at the same time. Keep us updated on what you decide. I love love nursery planning. I have been doing it in my mind for years.
I like the solids too. The blue on the ceiling might make it feel like the sky, which could be nice.
I'm another vote for the solid colors; stripes SEEM like a good idea in theory, but in reality seems a little maddening. Love the fabric and the colors.
i like the first choice best. to be the dissenter :)
heather (saltandpickles.com/journal)
I'm torn between #2 and #3. I love the stripes in #2-- what a creative idea. And I like the colors a lot. I'll be really interested in seeing the end result.
I vote for option 3, mainly b/c the pattern of bedding is striped. If you stick with simple walls then you can go a little more crazy with accessories and such! In Julia's nursery I painted the bottom 2/3 of the walls dark coral, and the top 1/3 of the walls light pink. Maybe you could do something similar with two of your colors...maybe blend the top 1/3 color onto the ceiling? I'll try to get some nursery pics up my blog this week.
I vote for solid color walls, I think the stripes may be a bit too much and I have never attempted vertical stripes and blue tape for fear of my walls not being perfectly straight and my lines coming out crooked!
i like the solid color walls - especially given the pattern that you will be using.
I have seen stripes done well and it seems that it is always the best looking when 3 walls are solid and one is stripes....
I love the green and blue with yellow ceiling or green and yellow with a plain white ceiling.
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