Today is November 18, 2007. One year ago today, my niece, Ariel was born and passed away. I'm thinking of her and of my brother and sister-in-law today and hoping they have found some peace in the past year. I hesitated at first to post anything about this today as I didn't want to draw more attention to Ariel's memorial day, but I know she is never far from their thoughts. And I couldn't well post anything without mentioning it because she (and they) are in my thoughts.
Two weeks ago today, my niece Katie was born. I have yet to meet her, but I think of her often and I'm busy making her Hanukkah/Christmas gift so that hopefully it will be done in time to ship to Albuquerque. I think of her future and hope that she will love visiting our house and that B and I will be the "cool" Aunt and Uncle (within the ground rules set by her parents, of course).
We have a regroup appointment with the RE on Tuesday morning to discuss the D&C. I have many questions, but really just don't want to think about it too much until then (yeah right). Each morning when I go into the bathroom, I am confronted by the syringes, progesterone oil, and estrogen patches that I'm supposed to be well into by now. It seems ridiculous to want to take more shots, but I do because it would mean being one step closer to finally achieving our dream. I've decided that I am going to pack these supplies away into the box they came in and put them somewhere out of sight until I need them again. I'm tired of looking at them and wishing...
So that's what I will do today along with maybe cleaning out the pantry and grocery shopping for Thanksgiving (and throw in some football watching).
Mental Sampler 30
14 hours ago
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